Residential Lock Rekey Service In Roseville, MN

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Get Your Locks rekeyed In case of Emergency Lock In or Lockout In Roseville

When you lose your keys, many things can happen. You could lose them in the yard, at work, or even have them stolen from your pocket while running errands. Once this happens, you must protect yourself against unwanted intruders by rekeying your locks immediately. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize this until after being burglarized by someone who has used their spare key. 

Shane Locksmith offers residential lock rekey service in Roseville, MN because we want everyone to feel safe in their own homes again! Our team of experienced professionals will be able to replace all of your old hardware with new ones. So that intruders cannot get back inside easily if they somehow manage to find one of your old keys again someday down the road (which happens more often than most people realize). 

Our team is fully licensed and insured, so you can rest easy knowing that your needs will be met by a professional who knows what they’re doing. We also offer free estimates on all of our services, which means you can get an idea of our prices before committing to anything.

What is lock rekeying?

Lock rekeying replaces the pins in a lock, which can be done with a standard pin-and-tumbler lock. It’s often used to change the key to a lock, but it can also prevent unauthorized access.

How does it work?

The lock rekeying process involves removing the lock cylinder from the door and replacing the pins inside it with new ones with different profiles. This makes it impossible for someone who has been given an old key to open your door—even if they have a copy made!

what is rekey
rekey reasons

Common Reasons for Rekeying a Lock Includes

Here are some common reasons for rekeying a lock:

  • You’ve lost the key and need to replace it
  • You’re moving into a new home, and you want all of your locks to match
  • The tenant has moved out, and you want to change the key code.
  • You want to change the type of lock you use to increase security or make it easier to use
  • You’re upgrading your home’s safety features, like adding deadbolts or security cameras

Benefits of lock Rekeying 

  • The first benefit is that it is an inexpensive way to protect your home. Many people think they need to replace their locks when they hear about a break-in or robbery. However, this is not true! Rekeying your locks is a much more cost-effective way to keep yourself from intruders.
  • The second benefit is that rekeying your locks allows you to change the key code in seconds, so if someone does have a key for your home or business, they will not be able to get inside without breaking down the door or window—which could be costly and time-consuming for them.
  • Old locks have keys that can be copied easily by anyone. This means that if someone gets a hold of one of those keys, they can unlock your door immediately. If you have new locks installed and rekeyed, there will be no duplicate keys for thieves. 
  • Newer locks are also more secure because they are harder to pick than older models. Even if an intruder gets inside your home, they still need a key to open the door and get out again.
  • Rekeying is also an effective way to prevent lockouts because it works quickly and efficiently whenever you need it most – such as when you’ve lost your key or forgotten where it’s hidden!

Fast and Efficient Rekeying services in Roseville  

We know that if you need to get into your home, the last thing you want to do is wait around for someone to come and do it for you. That’s why we offer fast, efficient lock rekeying services in Roseville.

Our technicians are trained to be able to rekey a lock within minutes. We have all the tools and equipment necessary to get the job done quickly and efficiently, so you don’t need to wait around while we get everything set up.

We also offer 24/7 emergency locksmith service, so if something happens in the middle of the night and you’re locked out of your house or car, don’t worry—we’ll be there as soon as possible!

We understand how stressful it can be when something like this happens, but our goal is always to take away as much frustration as possible from our customers’ experiences with us.